Mustard Clover Honey

Productive cough remedy that contains anti-inflammatory effect, balancing of blood pressure, liver problems, blood sugar, and bad cholesterol.

Tested by the certified laboratory,  Bhutan Mustard Clover Honey contains high levels of antioxidant activities, especially in the Total Flavonoid content and holds promising antibacterial activity; Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MBC). 

Mustard Clover Honey comes in dark amber in color and tends to crystallize very rapidly. Its taste is unique with a gently flavored aroma and a hint of mustard taste. Its scientific name is Melilotus alba, begins flowering from March to December, with the highest flowering yield during Spring to Summer. Honey harvesting is from May to August.

This natural mustard clover honey contains higher glucose level with pollen and propolis. Propolis contains all 16 amino acids, glucose, vitamins A, B, C, D and E, bioflavonoids, and minerals. Bioflavonoid plays a role in repairing and improves the systems of the human body. Bee pollen is super nutritious compound, containing all the nutrients required by the human body. It is a source of proteins, vitamins, minerals, beneficial fatty acids, carotenoids and bioflavonoids which are helpful to cardiovascular health. 

Anti-inflammatory effect, balancing of blood pressure, liver problems, blood sugar, and bad cholesterol. Productive cough remedy

May increases your insulin level and GLP-1(Glucagon-like polypeptide 1), but may also decrease your ghrelin level (Hunger hormone).

Storage - Raw honey does not require to be kept in refrigerate. Keep at room temperature. 

Bhutan Natural Honey is not recommended for the following: children under the age of one, people suffering from pollen allergies, pregnant women, and currently breastfeeding mother.  

Children under the age of one should refrain from having Natural Honey because of the rare possibility of being infected with botulism (Clostridium botulinum). After they passed the age of one, their digestive system is mature enough to kill any botulism germs.

People suffering from a severe allergic reaction to bee pollen may encounter anaphylaxis, breathless, hives, and swelling. 

Buy Mustard Clover Honey